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Confusion about what the NDIS does and does not fund

When navigating through the NDIS, service users and service providers alike are often confused with what the NDIS can and cannot fund. There have been various case examples where the NDIS had rejected a funding application to then have it overturned by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Below is a list of items that the NDIS initially rejected but then after review with the AAT have funded:

Chiropractic supports (click here for further information)

Gym membership (click here for further information)

Eyewear (click here and here for further information)

Literacy courses (click here for further information)

Music therapy (click here for further information)

Personal training (click here for further information)

Registered nurse to deliver insulin (click here for further information)

Services from a sex worker (click here and here for further information)

It is important to keep in mind the general process the NDIS has when deciding on what is funded and not funded within a person’s NDIS plan. The general process is:

1. If the participant disagrees with any aspect of their NDIS plan, they can lodge an appeal for the NDIS to review.

2. The NDIS will consider the applicant’s appeal and review it internally within the NDIS.

3. The NDIS will decide on the outcome of the appeal.

4. If the participant is not satisfied with the decision that the NDIS has made based on the appeal, the participant can take their appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

The above case examples show the possibility of funded supports, however; keep in mind that every participant has a unique circumstance that would determine their level of access and funding. The process of going through an appeal with the NDIS and the AAT is a lengthy process requiring time and evidence gathering. Securing these supports requires a strong case with supporting evidence to advocate for these supports.

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